Tips to stay healthy during the cold season

Tipps um gesund durch die kalte Jahreszeit zu kommen

The cold season is here and with it not only beautiful winter days, but also the well-known winter diseases. Colds and coughs are the order of the day for many. But that doesn't have to be the case, because with the right tips you can get through the winter alive and well.

Get some fresh air

Especially in winter, when it's cold and wet, many of us avoid going out into the fresh air. This is a mistake, because sunlight is important for the production of serotonin, the happiness hormone. In addition, the movement is healthy for muscles and joints and you burn excess calories at the same time. So put on your jacket and go outside.

Exercise even in winter

Exercise is usually neglected in the winter months, but it is extremely important for our well-being. If it's too cold outside, consider taking up an indoor sport in the winter. Swimming, fitness, basketball are just a few examples of sports that keep you dry and warm even in winter.

drink enough

In summer we automatically drink more, it's warm and our body gives us clear signals. In winter this is usually not the case. It's easy to forget to pay attention to your daily fluid intake. Water is an essential nutrient, after all our body is made up of 70% water. A lack of liquid quickly leads to fatigue, dry skin and problems concentrating. So make sure you drink 2-2.5 liters of water every day.

Have vitamin D levels checked

Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins that our body can produce itself. However, this requires a lot of direct sunlight, because vitamin D is formed through the skin. Even those who spend a lot of time outside in winter produce practically no vitamin D. We are completely covered with clothes and the sun's rays are not strong enough to start vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D plays an important role in numerous bodily functions, especially our defense against viruses. This is very important, especially in winter. A check with the doctor is therefore advisable, with a value of <40ng/ml you should take additional vitamin D.

Pay attention to a healthy diet

The influence of our way of life and especially the diet has a decisive influence on our metabolic processes. This includes not only digestion such as the decomposition and absorption of nutrients, but also the many other processes that take place in our body every second. These metabolic processes also include all processes related to the immune system. A healthy diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables is therefore essential to supply the body with all the vital substances it needs to get through the winter in good health. As a rule of thumb, you should eat 2 hand-sized portions of fruit and 2-3 hand-sized portions of vegetables per day. It is best raw or lightly cooked, as this preserves most of the vitamins and minerals.

Dress warmly

In winter it is important to keep your body warm, so make sure you wear appropriate clothing. Long-term cold makes us more susceptible to viruses or other pathogens because it weakens our immune system. Too much cold means stress for the circulatory system and our metabolism.

take vitamin C

Vitamin C can certainly be called the super vitamin. It supports the development of connective tissue, promotes the absorption of iron and is essential for the immune system. Especially in winter, the health-promoting properties of vitamin C are particularly important. It helps the body to defend itself against viruses and can even reduce the course of a cold. In food, vitamin C is mainly found in fresh fruit and vegetables such as apples, peppers, oranges, lemons, kiwi, sea buckthorn, strawberries and parsley. At least 100mg should be consumed daily, which is equivalent to 3 kiwis, 6 apples, 120g raw peppers or 4 oranges. 

Sleep and rest a lot

In nature, many animals sleep more in winter than in summer. On the one hand, this is due to the shorter days and the shortage of food in winter. So sleeping saves energy and our body regenerates during sleep. This is no different for humans, because our metabolism still works the same as it did 10,000 years ago. So in winter you should listen to your inner clock and often schedule 1-2 hours more sleep than in summer. This strengthens the immune system and leads to more performance during the day in the long term.


The Beyond Nutrition team wishes you a great and above all healthy cold season.