Autumn depression, winter blues and low spirits? Start the winter with more energy now

Herbstdespression, Winterblues und Stimmungstief? Jetzt mit mehr Energie in den Winter starten

When people talk about autumn depression, they mean seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Even if the so-called winter blues is usually less severe than classic depression, its extent is underestimated. Because even SAD can have serious consequences that have a negative effect on your performance and mental well-being.

Unlike conventional depression, SAD tends to have atypical symptoms such as constant tiredness, altered appetite, listlessness and weight gain or loss.

I feel bad!

In the so-called autumn or winter depression, those affected create loud Prof. Ulrich Hegerl from the German Depression Aid usually no longer does the simple everyday tasks. Mostly they have also more hungry and want to sleep more than usual.

Many people also become more thoughtful and melancholic, one also speaks of a winter melancholy. If symptoms such as lack of drive, joy and interest occur over a period of at least 2 weeks, those affected should pay attention and consult a doctor. Physical symptoms can also be a sign of depression.

Possible causes of autumn depression 

The causes of this form of depression have not yet been fully researched. The winter depression is not a worldwide phenomenon, but closely linked to the weather conditions in the northern hemisphere.

Make: Especially northern European countries like Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway and Germany with strong fluctuations between summer and winter weather seem to be affected.

Vitamin D: The seasonal low mood can be caused by a vitamin D deficiency, which can affect the formation of the mood hormone serotonin, among other things. As an antagonist of the stress hormone cortisol, this is responsible for a balanced mood, well-being, contentment and happiness.

daylight: Daylight also plays an important role. In winter, the days are shorter and nights are longer. A winter day only has about 9 hours, so there is little opportunity to soak up sunlight, which in turn boosts our aforementioned serotonin formation.

Movement: In winter, physical activity is usually more difficult for us. Especially since outdoor activities are mostly avoided, it's cold, wet and dark. But exercise and physical activity in particular ensure balance and well-being.

Your formula against the winter low! Declare war on depression.

First the good news, according to counts, only about two percent of the population is affected by the winter blues. Nevertheless, you should take precautions because the tips below are only good to prevent winter depression, NO, they will significantly improve and support your well-being.

sports and exercise: Whether jogging, basketball, gym, regular exercise and sports promote the formation of your happiness hormones and strengthen your immune and cardiovascular systems.

Vitamin D supplementation: Since around 2/3 of all Europeans have a vitamin D deficiency, taking high-quality ones is particularly important in winter nutritional supplements advisable. This is how you keep your vitamin D level at a healthy level over the winter months.

Go to the door: Even if we are not spoiled with much sun in winter, try to take full advantage of the beautiful days and spend time outside. The sunlight stimulates your serotonin production and the fresh air stimulates your entire metabolism. After a good walk, you often feel recharged with new energy.

Create a positive environment: For your mental well-being it is important to create a positive environment. Be it at work or in your private life, try to spend time with people who give you strength and with whom you can have a good laugh. Because even a hearty laugh has many a positive effect on your metabolism.


Is it just a small depression or already a winter depression?

Seasonal Affective Disorder

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