Diet myths put to the test! - What is behind the widespread promises?

Ernährungsmythen auf dem Prüfstand! - Was steckt hinter den weit verbreiteten Versprechungen?

In the media, we read new insights into proper nutrition every day. There are also many well-known myths that keep circulating. However, many of these findings are based on no scientific background and are usually completely wrong. Some turn are occupied and therefore also correct. In the following article we check some of these myths for their accuracy!

Diet drinks help you lose weight

Unfortunately it is false! Even though the sugar in drinks has been replaced by low-calorie sweeteners, we train our bodies to eat sweets. The sweeteners used are usually much "sweeter" than sugar and also include the additives. Many additives are now suspected of being harmful to health, including aspartame and acesulfame-k. The latter in particular is found in practically all light products such as drinks, protein shakes and yoghurts.

Dried fruit is equivalent to fresh fruit

Unfortunately it is false! Dried fruit is usually poor in vitamins because most of them have already expired. Dried fruit also lacks the saturation factor due to the water that has been removed. Although important dietary fibers are still included, overall one tends to eat more with dried fruit. In addition, dried fruit contains a high sugar content. Better to use fresh fruit!

Eating at night makes you fat

That's not true! It doesn't matter when we consume our calories, but rather how much we move during the day and how many calories we consume in total. If the calorie balance is negative (we consume more than we eat) we break down fat. Conversely, we store fat. If you like to eat a little more in the evening, you should pay attention to your total calorie intake. In order to sleep well, the last meal should be at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Salad is healthy

This is a two-column statement because everything depends on the preparation! We often replace the usual dishes in the restaurant with a salad, but it often comes with greasy sauces and fried side dishes. There is no more talk of healthy here. Plain leaf lettuce is generally relatively low in nutrients. In addition to a healthy dressing (simple vinegar/balsamic vinegar and high-quality native oil), a healthy salad also contains other side dishes such as peppers, radishes or nuts.

Low-fat products = low-calorie foods

Unfortunately it is false! Almost all low-fat or reduced-fat products contain additives and sugar as substitutes. Many low-fat dishes have a higher sugar content and therefore the same number (often even more) of calories as a normal product. In addition, the additional sugar puts a strain on our health, since mostly bad industrial sugar is used (beware of the risk of diabetes!). Take a close look at your low-fat products and compare the number of calories with the standard products.

Frauen machen einen gesunden Salat in der Küche

Dietary cholesterol is harmless

Only partly true! It has been scientifically proven that dietary cholesterol can affect blood levels. However, the body produces most of the cholesterol itself, this is a complex mechanism and depends on many factors such as general lifestyle and genetics. Cholesterol has functions in the body, such as in the Synthesis of vitamin D, as with everything, it's all about finding the right balance. Egg yolks have a very high cholesterol content, but are also rich in nutrients. So 2-3 eggs a week is certainly not a problem, with a dozen it looks completely different again. (An egg yolk contains a whopping 200-250mg Cholesterol).

In general, a healthy lifestyle has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Overall one should try on Avoid foods high in cholesterol and instead rely on high-quality oils and legumes.

You can find a study related to cardiovascular disease here:

The study clearly shows the connection between dietary cholesterol and cardiovascular risks.

High doses of vitamins protect against diseases

Unfortunately it is false! To date, none of the studies known to us have been able to prove that Vitamins protect against diseases. Vitamins help our immune system to function optimally. They therefore support an optimal reaction of the immune system for pathogens. Vitamins C, E and D in particular are real immune supporters. A lack of said vitamin weakens the immune system, pathogens can spread more easily and make longer/severely ill. So vitamins are the oil for your motor immune system.

special cases: There are supporting vitamin therapies which are used for various diseases such as cancer or severe inflammation. However, this depends on the illness and should take place under medical supervision. 

Multivitamin supplements are useful

Unfortunately it is false! A very complex subject, one might think we would consider ourselves as Dietary supplement manufacturers like to put themselves aside! At Beyond Nutrition, however, we rely on transparency and education. The fact is that commercial multivitamin preparations (so we don't count our products among them) practical are useless. They contain all vitamins and minerals, but these are usually in forms that our body cannot absorb easily, i.e. they are pure chemical products. In addition, various minerals interfere with each other's absorption.

Dietary supplements only make sense if they are adapted to individual needs and proven nutrient deficiencies. People who eat little fruit and vegetables consume practically no secondary plant substances, so supplementation can make sense here, even if it cannot replace healthy food. Many people also have vitamin D or B12 deficiency, here too there is a specific one Supplementation makes sense.

It depends on the correct dosage!

Caution is particularly important with high doses of vitamin A, E and various secondary plant substances. Studies have shown that high overdoses can have negative health effects.

Many manufacturers lure customers with high dosages, which can lead to long-term damage!

The nutrients in question are toxic if overdosed for a long time. In high doses, magnesium can negatively affect digestion (it can have a laxative effect).

The following study shows that improper dietary supplements can do more harm than good.

So you should make sure to choose products that have an intelligent and targeted composition. When you next visit your doctor, ask for a blood count to determine your vitamin and mineral balance.

Potatoes make you fat

INCORRECT! In fact, the tubers provide relatively few calories (69 kcal per 100 g cooked). The mixture of different dietary fibers makes the starchy potatoes the optimal modern and healthy food. Of course, the preparation is also important here, so fried potatoes have a very high fat content and are therefore no longer considered healthy foods.

Our tip: boiled or open potatoes with a light dip made from low-fat quark and a little sour cream as a tasty preparation.

Fat makes you fat

INCORRECT! Fat alone does not make you fat. However, it has a high energy density. You should make sure to eat healthy fats, because they are good for our health. Native oils such as olive oil, sunflower oil or linseed oil have a high proportion of healthy unsaturated fatty acids and also promote the feeling of satiety.

It is the combination of sugar and especially saturated (animal) fat that is very dangerous! These are often found in finished products. This combination tempts us to eat more (impairment of the feeling of satiety), the sugar supplied and the subsequent insulin output also support the storage of fat in the fat pads.

The health-promoting properties of unsaturated fatty acids are presented very clearly in the following study: